it's all about me, myself and my stuffs !

March 23, 2008

university students nowadays

some of the attitude or characteristics you can find in the university students nowadays, especially in Malaysia (not in other countries, i presumed):
1. cut in the queuing line
2. always late for meeting, or worse, didn't show up at all
3. always live in denial
4. always complete assignments given the day before the date of submission
5. for those who stay outside, parking space stealer
6. for those who stay outside, leave the dustbin to be mountain high but couldn't care less to bother
7. wasted too much time on internet
8. have character disorder- blame everyone for everything
9. ill-mannered - some of them
10. self center - this can be CLEARLY noticed in groupworks
11. hate morning classes

ps: no offence to any parties unless they did those things and felt guilty.


Jyan said...

Most of these things occur because
1) they've never been taught
2) they forgot
3) it's a character issue
Don't complain so much. Educate! Or at least express yourself as much as you can.Then maybe people will begin to take notice. If they're still so stubborn you can always commit them to the Lord and pray for Him to change them (by whatever means the not-so-pleasant methods) But yeah, you do what you can, you let them do what they can, and you compromise on some and you commit whatever differences left over to God to settle. Simple, no?

s@m巧彦 said...

easier said than done, bro.
but i will take your words positively and seriously and make a change =)

Meng Her said...

haha ....
i tink also typical 1 of them ...

s@m巧彦 said...

you are not that teruk, i guess. hehe. i think i have #7 and #8