it's all about me, myself and my stuffs !

October 30, 2008


for those who watch bleach,

oh my gosh!

Nel is former Espada No. 3

wow wow wow!!!

can you imagine

is actually

faint faint faint

ps: biggest shock i got from Bleach, so far!


Davis™ said...

hey hey.. now only i realised that u are another fans of Bleach...

but i can tell u.. many of unexpected will happen soon.. better keep this as secret, let u have another shock.. keke...

Anonymous said...

My ex watched this anime in my room. And I watched and fell asleep. Haha...

s@m巧彦 said...

To Davis

haha, really? great!!! :D

To Seen,

what la you ni. you are so LAME and OUT! haha =p