Something big happened on me last night. I had an accident. I am still not sure whether the malay guy is wrong or it is I who breach the rules. After the accident, my brain was in a total blur. I couldn't think rationally or logically. I made my first call to my sister to ask for advice and help. After a few moments of conversation with my sister, finally I was back, i.e .I could think of what to do next and handled the whole situation quite well, I supposed.
When the malay guys approached me, I was quite panic and tried my best to negotiate with them (I only lowered down the window beside the driver's seat). They demanded me to get out of the car. But I insisted to stay in my car. They kept on ordering me to get out of my car and I insisted to stay in the car. This is some part of our conversation:
Malay Guy and his friend : m
Me: s
My friend who was in the car with me: a
m: amoi, awak tau apa awak sudah buat?
s: saya tau, sorry, saya rasa saya tak salah sepenuhnya. apa awak nak sekarang
m: amoi, awak turun dari kereta sekarang dan cakap dengan saya.
s: saya tak nak. apa yang awak nak cakap, cakapsaja macam ni.
m: amoi, saya orang baik
s: mana saya tau awak orang baik ke tak. saya tak kenal awak. cakap saja macam ni.
m: ok, moi. awak langgar kereta saya serius ni. saya nak awak bagi nombor ic dan alamat rumah awak kat saya. nanti saya baiki kat bengkel dan awak pergi bayar.
s: saya tak nak. awak bukannya polis atau sesiapa, awak tak berhak mengambil particular saya.
m: habis awak nak macam mana?
s: saya bagi nombor hp saya kat awak. itu saja.
m: mana saya atu awak tipu saya ke tak?
s: saya janji saya akan pergi bayar
m: eh, amoi, babi betul la. saya tak percaya kat awak la
s: saya pun tak percaya kat awak juga
m: habis awak nak macam mana
s: either saya bagi nombor hp saya kat awak, awak pergi baiki dan saya bayar. kalau awak tak nak, saya pun tak boleh buat apa apa.
I quickly negotiate with my friend. She told me to give them whatever they want. But, I said they have no right to have my ic number and my particular. Both of the malay guys kept on pushing us and I told them to hold on as I made calls to ask some male friends to come to the scene to help me as both of us are girls and it's very dangerous to talk to 2 strangers like that.
I took quite some time for my friends to come to give me a hand. At the same time, I was contacting a Bangi friend to ask for the police station's number and hope that some police officers would come to settle everything.
Police officer: p
me: s
s: police station ke ni?
p: ya
s: saya involved dalam satu accident. bolehkah encik datang ke tempat kejadian sekarang dan settle problem ni?
p: sila ke balai polis kajang
s: apa? encik tak boleh order beberapa officer datang ke sini ke?
p: awak pergi saja ke balai polis kajang
s: ok
I just hung up the phone. Idiot and stupid police officer. Wouldn't it be better if some police officers come and settle the problem on the spot.
m: amoi, saya orang serdang. kita pergi ke balai polis serdang saja
s: tapi police tu panggil saya pergi ke balai kajang
m: awak tau jalan ke?
s: tunggu kawan saya datang dulu nanti kita pergi
m: settle kat sini saja la moi
s: saya hanya boleh bagi awak nombor hp saya
m: mana boleh. nanti awak lari??
s: kalau macam tu, kita pergi balai saja
m: babi betul la
Then , both of the malay guys went back to their car and I waited in my car with my friend
s: can you call someone else to come?
a: let me call nyap
s: ok, be fast
a: nyap is not here. let me call my senior
s: whatever
a: he doesn't pick up phone
s: so how?
a: i call jun ming
s: okok
After a few moments,
a: he's coming
s: you think he can handle this?
a: i dont know
s: let me call gen hong
a: okok
After we made calls, we got gen hong and jun ming. But it seemed like they are taking forever to reach the scene
m: lamanya kawan awak
s: tunggu la kejap
m: eh, cepatlah, jangan buang masa la
s: awak nak settle problem kan, tunggu la. saya banyak masa, kalau awak suntuk masa, awak pergi dulu la. saya tak kisah
m: jangan tipu saya, kawan awak nak datang ke?
s: ya. kalau saya nak tipu awak, takkan saya berada kat sini lagi. saya dah pergi awal awal la
m: lah, babi betul la
After a while, jun ming finally arrived. I don't know what he said to them. My friend went down along to listen to them. After a few minutes, gen hong came. He straight away went to them and talked. I was shouting, can anyone please listen to me. I wanted to get out of the car. To my surprise, I couldn't opened the door. It must have been the collision just now.
After a while, jun ming and gen hong came back to me.
gen hong: g
Jun ming: j
s: how?
g: what you wanna do now?
s: i think i wanna report
g: i think it's your fault
s: it's not totally my fault
g: no matter how, the malay would still help the malay
j: ya
s: then, he want my ic and my particular
g: then ar, depends on you lo
My sister and her friend came
my sister: sis
her friend: kh
s: ah jie
sis: how? come out la
s: i couldn't
sis: use the other side
s: okok
We went to the malay guy
m: sekarang amoi ni langgar saya
sis: sekarang kita tak boleh determine siapa yang salah. kita report saja
m: prosedur banyak la
sis: tak apa .kita tak kisah
kh: sekarang kita pergi dulu kat balai
m: settle kat sini je la
sis: tak pa, prosedur banyak. kita ada banyak masa
kh: ya la. kita pergi balai dulu
m:kalau kena bayar, awak bayar semua
kh: mana boleh. kita tengok polis cakap siapa salah
m: mana boleh
s: kita pergi balai dulu. awak cakap awak suntuk masa kan. cepatlah, pergi balai
m: awak tau jalan?
s: tau
then, i asked genhong and jun ming to go back first. I ask my friend to follow jun ming to go home first. My sis and her friend and I headed towards balai polis in bangi. the police officer said we can only fill the forms there and we still need to go to balai kajang to report again. then , we go to balai kajang. the malay guy were so pissed off and shouting at us and asked us to get on our ass. Gosh, so rude.
To my surprise, my friend and Jun ming came to give support. I was so touched. After about one hour of talking to police officers, taking some photos finally, we came to a conclusion. The seargent said that it was my fault and I need to pay RM 200 for the offence(break akta 10- mengganggu trafik). I was like, what. Ok, whatever. And i pay everything and the malay guy pay nothing. Fine!!!!
m: puas hati tak sekarang
s: awak biarkan saya la. bukannya awak yang bayar
sis: sudah settle kan sekarang, then ok la, nak cakap banyak lagi buat apa.
Then, we just went back. I feel so innocent but whatever. I come out with a conclusion now.
a) malay would help the malay no matter what
b) whatever happen, don't ever give your particulars and ic number to others. It's top secret
c) friends nd family are always the best
d) be grateful and thankful to the Lord no matter what happen
e) don't get intimidated by others no matter what happen, if they scold you, scold them back.
f) don't be panic. stay cool and steady
g) report to police whenever you meet an accident
After everything that had happened, I didn't cry at all. wow, I am so brave and super. Biggest lesson so far in my life.